Champagne Boërl & Kroff – The 2024 Golden Vines® Fine Wine & Experience Online Auction Lot

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The Ultimate Boërl & Kroff Experience: Boërl & Kroff Champagne Magnum (1.5L) plus VIP one night stay at the Boërl & Kroff's Château de Chevigny with owner Stéphane Sésé, including private tour and tasting, fine wine dinner, and stay in the “Louis Brossard” suite, all hosted by Stéphane Sésé for 2 guests. 






£12,000 - £24,000

Lot Components

Fine Wine Bottles ✓

Experience ✓

Estate Visit ✓

Tasting ✓

Social Occasion (Dinner) ✓

Overnight (1-Night) Stay ✓

The Fine Wine

Champagne Boërl & Kroff - Magnum (1.5L) signed by Stéphane Sésé, founder and owner of Champagne Boërl & Kroff.

The Experience

A magnificent one-night stay for 2 guests at the Château de Chevigny-en-Valière for 2 persons, in the "Louis Brossard" suite, including: a private tasting of Champagne Boërl & Kroff (1 magnum Boërl & Kroff + 1 bottle B de Boërl & Kroff); private visit of the Château, the gardens and théâtre "à l'italienne"; fine wine dinner; and breakfast. Hosted and guided by the owner, Mr. Stéphane Sésé.

The Estate

In November 2016, Gérard Basset tasted Boërl & Kroff Champagnes for the first time. Enthusiastic over the wine, he said that the unique style of these “fresh, intense, magnificent and incredibly age-worthy” fine wines left a lasting impression on him. Because of the long-standing friendship that ensued from the end of the 1990s between Maison Boërl & Kroff and the self-taught Gérard Basset – who went on to become the World’s Best Sommelier and a Master of Wine – we are delighted to support his foundation again this year. 

Magnum of Champagne Boërl & Kroff Non Vintage (produced once, in 2005) Boërl & Kroff Champagne stems from a quest for perfection. The artisanal touch is present throughout the entire process culminating in Boërl & Kroff. The harvest, sorting of the fruit, riddling, disgorgement and packaging are all entirely done by hand. The labels are painstakingly applied by white-gloved hands on bottles only available in magnums or larger formats. Set in the heart of the Côte des Bar, its patchwork of vineyard sites bears a resemblance to Burgundy. Boërl & Kroff vines are over thirty years old and are rooted in hard rock in three micro-blocks – Montouillet, Les Egrilliers and Le Saint-Esprit. Their limestone-rich soils replete with maritime sediment make them more akin to those of Chablis Grands Crus. The compact, delicate Pinot noir clusters are rigorously selected and only those showing the purest site-expressiveness are selected. The result is juice with heightened minerality and staggering energy, which takes on a patina after a lengthy stay in the cellar. Here is Gerard Basset's description of our Non Vintage: Soft and persistent foam due to a slow and low-temperature bottle fermentation. Magnificent nose with gunpowder and yeast up front, opening up with a steely mineral note and loads of raspberries. Some brioche and toast and a touch of vanilla. Extraordinary fresh and pure on palate with green apple and pomegranate in the finish. 

One night for two at Château de Chevigny en Valière Boërl & Kroff is crafted in Champagne but its terroir, the origins of its grape variety and its flavour – which can on occasions be likened to consummate white wines – lend it a Burgundy spirit. Hence, the home of Maison Boërl & Kroff nestles in the heart of Burgundy’s wine lands, twenty kilometres from Beaune, at Château de Chevigny en Valière. Just like its Champagne, the home of Boërl & Kroff boasts unique architecture stemming from a meticulous fusion of ancient techniques. Stéphane Sésé was immediately swept up by the chateau’s charm, but also by the destiny of its original founder. The eccentric Louis Brossard, who was allegedly the inspiration for The Great Gatsby, shares with our Champagne house a compulsive quest for perfection. His passion for “embellishments” – as he called them – to his chateau occasionally led him to indulge in extravagant obsessions, like the time when he bought the neighbouring chateau just to remove the railings, or the staircase – a perfect replica of the one at the Garnier opera house and model for that of Chambord. At the end of the 19th century, artists, authors and musicians were invited to Chevigny-en-Valière to perform in the Italian-style theatre that Louis Brossard had reconstructed. Did the heavy carmine red curtains close on Hortense Schneider, La Belle Otero or Diane de Pougy? For two days and one night, your host, Stéphane Sésé will be your guide through this secret world into which he has breathed new life. A world filled with period characters embodied by statues, busts and engravings nestled within the façades, seamlessly slipping into the frescoes and mosaics, hidden in the mirrors, fireplaces and red marble staircases throughout the Château. The grounds, the grotto, the well, the spring, the fountain, the rockery and the ponds add the finishing touches to this scene from a bygone era. In addition to breakfast at the chateau, typical lunches and gourmet dinner – either at the chateau or in Beaune and the surrounding area – you will be invited to savour a magnum of B&K 1998 and a bottle of the very rare B by B&K 2014 Cuvée Spéciale Louis Brossard.

Terms & Conditions

Experience to be taken up by no later than 31st October 2025. Experience to be booked preferably between April and October 2025.

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